Saturday, April 9, 2011

Two Baby Showers

On the 31st of March. Kenton and I decided that we wanted
a friend/ ward Baby shower. I couldn't invite everyone to the
family shower. It would have been way to crowded. I decided
to buy some cupcakes and put them together. They turned out
very nicely if you ask me. They matched the colors of the
baby shower decorations. :0)

I have decided this was the last time I make the Non-gluten
free cupcakes in my house. I was having such a hard time
breathing. It totally sucked! I'm sure I will figure something
out so it will be a win win for everyone. I do have to say
that the gluten free cup cake mix costs $4 a box. When the
regular kind cost .98 cents. Something is seriously wrong
with this picture. I wish gluten free was cheaper!
At my sisters house we stuck with the basics. Fruit
Veggies and cupcakes. lol! I'm in love with Organic foods.
But the decorations turned out super cute!

I didn't show pictures of everyone, I don't think my iPhone
takes the best pictures. I'll have to get those pictures from
my sister. She had her camera. Mine died and I forgot
to check the battery life before I came. I'm really sorry for the
crazy pictures.
This was my 37 week mark of being Pregnant. I am sporting
the round look. lol! I'm so happy for all the friends, ward members,
and neighbors that came to support our little man. It was
also good to see who traveled to far to come support this
little guy. Makes me so happy to have a great support system.
I love all my friends!

On April 9th we had the family party. What a joyful day it was.
Crazy that it snowed and these balloons didn't stay high for very long.
It is crazy to think a year ago I was decorating for my wedding
dinner. Then today I'm decorating for this baby shower.
I'm just happy it didn't snow like this for the wedding. lol!
Never in a million years would I think on that wedding dinner...
Hey in a year I'm going to be having a baby. lol! It wasn't
even on my mind. But I love that it is now. :0)
My sister Alysa had this adorable cake made. She felt bad
that the colors weren't right with the decorations, but I thought
it looked adorable!
I had taken the time to work with JJ to get these candy bar
covers for thank you gifts. I also had Adam help with the final
project. He was a great help last second, since JJ couldn't finish it.
There were too many pictures to show from this day. This house
Was Packed with loved ones. :0) I was so shocked to see how
many gifts were in the room. I was trying not to cry. I was for
sure feeling very pregnant and I was so ready to get this over with.
I didn't know that opening gifts would get me so tired. I really
needed a nap! ha ha ha! Being 38 Weeks pregnant is just crazy!
Can't believe 2 more weeks and the baby will be here.

I wanted to thank all my sisters and my mom for putting
together a WONDERFUL baby shower. I'm sorry I wasn't more
helpful. lol! I also want to thank all my friends and family who
came to the shower. I am so happy that they all came. We played
some really fun games. My sister even made us eat baby food
to guess what kind it was. I will tell you, I suck at that game.
I don't think I know my veggies and fruit very well. Oh well!
I'm sure I will when Kayden starts eating more of that baby food. :0)

Now who wants to help putting my nursery together and help me
clean my house? lol!

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