Monday, April 25, 2011

First Bath at home + Doctor visit... Sigh!

Alright so little bugs first bath didn't go over so well.
He did not like the water at all. He cried the whole time.
Little bug just wanted to get out right then and there.
I felt so bad, but he really needed a bath.
Once he got out of the tub, he was much happier
to be in Grandma's arms. Nothing better then a warm
towel and being in his grandma's arms. We were so happy that
Grandma stayed a few nights with us to help us get on our feet.
Grandma is the best!
Long day leads to nap time.
On the next day April 25th We went to the doctors for a follow
up on little bugs nose. It didn't look so good. The doctor ordered
a BBG machine for him. It is a machine that cleans out his nose
with a small catheter at the tip that goes into the front of his nose.
I didn't like it at first. Never realized how I didn't like to hear
my sweet baby cry over a cleaning. Poor guy, why does he have to
go through this? Why couldn't it just be me. I wish I could take over
his pain for him. I will say, he is so much more happier when
his nose is clean and he could finally breath.

The Dr. Wants our little sport to use this machine for a
week to 2 weeks. He mentioned if it doesn't clear up
with in that time to take him to and ENT. He said that it
is probably something more serious and it should get looked
at by a specialist. He said he didn't want it to get to bad,
because if it gets to the lungs it can turn pneumonia. Which
we didn't want. So I guess we will try this thing out.
Look how gross that is. Bugers EWW...

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