Thursday, April 21, 2011

Birth Day!!! Hurray!

My son was born at 3:17PM April 21, 2011
6 Pounds 15 oz 19.5 Inches long.

When our little guy was born I was so afraid that he
wasn't alive. Because he wasn't crying. I soon asked
"Is he alive???" The nurse replied "Yes!" I was so happy
to know that he was ok. It was so weird to think that he
was finally here. I was falling asleep between every contraction.
I was in labor for only 45 Min. with only 10 contractions.
The doctor and the nurses were surprised that I wasn't in labor
very long. So nice to know that it was such an easy labor.
Before you know it my son was in my arms.
I loved that Kenton got to cut the umbilical cord.

Our little one came into this world. He was so calm and alert.
The only noise I heard from him, was a delayed short cry
after they gave him his shots. He came back to my arms and
all I could do was smile. I have never felt so much happiness,
so much joy! This couldn't have been a better day to have
our son come into this world.
He was a fast learner when it came to breastfeeding and
when the nurse gave him to Kenton so I could get cleaned up.
He quickly found his thumb. It was the cutest thing ever.
My son didn't like bath time. I was wanting Kenton to
give him a bath and the nurse did the bath for him, she just
showed him and didn't teach him hands on.
I never realized how much hair my son had until she got
done with his bath and brushed his hair up. I never
thought my son would look as handsome as he is.
My imagination couldn't imagine such beauty.

I know our family just loved our little man.
Mom mentioned that he had a really strong neck.
She had never seen a baby more alert with a
strong neck and legs. Everyone was wondering
when I was pregnant
why I was complaining that he had a strong kick.
It was definitely a different experience. I would
do it again.

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