Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm feeling the pregnancy pain!

This picture is super funny! I was so feeling
the pain on the 9th. I was in so much pain I swear
I was in labor. I kept my husband up with me all night
while I was having contractions. I knew I wasn't in labor.
Just because it wasn't consistent. Just super bad pains. That
felt like I was going to die.

I was so sick the day of my anniversary. It was not fair
at all. My husband was super tired the next day. I had
a plan to do something special that day, but that never
ended up happening either.

We went and saw our OB on the 12th. He was saying that
the babies head dropped. No wonder why I have been
walking so funny. lol! He mentioned that this baby
can come now. He said he could give me something
to hurry along the dialations go in the next day and
have the baby on the 13th. HOLY CRAP! I was not prepared
for that. There is so much that needs to be done on the
house and I still had laundry to fold and things to clean.
I am not ready. I totally chickened out. Plus the word
"Induce" Scares me to death. I don't want to be induced,
Then later find out my body really wasn't ready, then have
to get a C-section. I've heard that story so many times. I would
just rather stay away from that area.

I Know my doctor is great! Yet I don't want to be induced.
Please give me some answers. I don't know what to do at this
point. We have to seriously get this house going and on the
right track. Maybe it is nesting. Maybe I need things to be
in order. How can you put something in order when your
house is being painted. UGH! Someone help my husband and
help him get this finished, so I can be more at peace.
I would hate for people to come over to see Kayden and
see my house like this. It's embarrassing. It isn't to Kenton
because he is a guy and things like that don't bug him.

I knew we should have been painting MONTHS ago. But we
decided to wait until the last second to get this done. It's been
going so SLOWLY and I feel helpless. I have no energy. No
motivation. I feel like a big blob that is ready to pop!
I don't sleep well. This is going to be a mess. HELP HELP HELP!
Is all I can say... Where does the automatic energy cleaning boost
come in. I would love it, if that kicked in today. lol!
Call my hubby. He would love the help in the painting department.
Hopefully this baby doesn't come this weekend. I'm FREAKING OUT!

1 comment:

Dani said...

Hey Daisia,
I would like to help. Do you have my phone number? Email me if you don't and I'll get it to you. I can come clean or cook or whatever you need.