Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day!!!

Alright so I have just really took Tempanyaki's off my
list. Especially the one in Lehi. It was super bad.
I went in the waiting list was 1 1/2 hour wait.
I waited in the car because I didn't want to be in a mess.
Then walk in 20 min too... and they told me that They called my
name 45 min. ago. FREAKIN GAY! It was so lame
Then the lady who was giving us our drinks was rude.
They guy cooking for us Killed the food. It was all burnt.
Hate it!

lol! Ok Venting is now over.

I thought it wasn't the best valentines that there was.
I had a date... I'm not telling who it was.
Well he got me a dozen Red roses.
Which I forgot to grab when I went home.
Anyways... He got me tickets to see the Jazz game
on the 12th Row. Holy Cow!!! That would have been a fun game.
Yet He didn't ask if I was busy. Just to let you all know I'm going
to be in Wyoming that weekend from the 20th to 23rd.
I was very sad. He called me up the next day and
told me that my flowers were left out all night and they were
now limp. :( I was very sad to hear that.

At the end of Valentines night I was hit with
A strong dizzy spell and went all white.
To be blunt PMS! I have never lost so much blood in my
life!!! I was super sick and as i was laying down on the couch.
I asked my date if he had Tylonal. Which he did. I was so sick.
Icky... I hated it.
~Valentines just wasn't my day!!!~
Sorry for all the Bluntness.
Hopefully next year will be better.

Get this... This year has been stupid with holidays.
New years I was left ALONE. Went out to entrain myself.
Second... Valentines was destroyed with stupidness.
St. Patrick's day is probably going to be interesting.
I don't want to know how my birthday is going to play out
on the 18th... Which I don't plan on anything fun happening
with my luck this year.
Oh well!!! love you all.

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