Saturday, December 27, 2008

Crushed and Healing Heart

Brant put a Hole in my heart. He was acting funny all
week. I brought it up to him. And he was
saying that he loved me then another second
he didn't. Then He needed a break but didn't want one.

Little boys are freaking gay. I'm so tired of getting hurt
all of the time. When I finally think things are going fine.

The best part of it all. Was we where only together for like a
month. You can't concider that as a RELATIONSHIP>
More like a trial with a friend to see if you want
to get into a relationship.

I don't think that it is cool, especially to play with someones
heart and lead them on. When the other person knew that
it was going no where. I'm happy that I know now
and I am able to get over it faster.
I think ever time i get into these situations. I know how
to handle them and get over them faster.

I told Brant that I'm not going to be put on a leash and
have him pull me in when ever he wanted or "needed" me.
I don't work like that. What my mom mentioned.
I'm the kind of girl that wants it all or nothing at all.

I guess that is just how I see things. I'm not my sister.
I'm not going to chase a guy that doesn't want me for
years and years and years. Until he changes his mind.
I think sometimes things don't happen for a reason.
Or maybe they will just make us stronger in the end.

I really don't know what is to come. But I do know that I'm
not going to get depressed. I'm not going to keep pulling myself
down. Yet I am going to keep moving forward with my life.
I'm going to keep doing all the right things that I need to do
to get me where I need to go. I know what I want and
I'm going to have to work for those things.

Thanks to all my friends for helping me out in this weird
Break up!!!! You're all the best friends
a friend could ever ask for.

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