Sunday, December 14, 2008

Layton Lights

Brant and I went to go look at the Layton Lights. Oh How
pretty. He has wanted to go and see them ever since they
put them up. I told him there was no way I was going to go look
at them until it had snowed. Well It did and it was very cold.
Brant hasn't been to the lights since he's been home from his
Mission. It was fun to share that time with him.
It was way fun because when we where in the middle of the
park looking at the lights. The music came on. It was
"Santa Clause is coming to town". It was so much fun
because Brant decided to dance with me. It was so adorable.
I was singing to the music and he was focusing on dancing.
It was a perfect night.

Then as boys do... He wanted to go play in the parking lot
with his truck and wanted to do Wheelies. I really don't
understand. I wasn't scared at all. I was just like hum...
When Brant told mom that he did Wheelies. Mom was like
"Boys and there toys".
Besides all of that. We tried to relax to a movie called
"Illusionist". I feel asleep.

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