Thursday, December 18, 2008

Y.S.A. Activity

Y.S.A. Christmas Party
I was running late in and felt very tired.
I wasn't in the mood to be playing games.
Unlike Battle ship with the Singles.
I thought it was a very silly game.
It was also very weird to see Cody there.
Someone that I dated and then he forgot
all about me, and got lost in his work.
Then I wasn't very happy because His
Family had been treating me very different. I
Really don't know what to think about it all.
Yet at the same time. I just wanted to go home
and sleep this off.

I notice I get very on one, when I am very tired.
I am not fun to be around. People start to think that I
don't like them when I'm around them. Which isn't the case.

After the silly game. Brant was a little upset that
his team didn't win. lol! oh well it's the game,
someone has to win.

After the game, we had put all the presents in the
middle. It was really good to sit by Brant. Yet
Brant was sitting next to Cody. Blah! I didn't
want to be there. It was really funny,
because I kept tickling Brant, and
everyone kept taking Brant's present.
Just because it was fun to see his expressions.

I ended up getting lamp decorations. lol! It was
very silly if you ask me. It is just funny to see
what people get. Brant got a book about
"finding the right guy" something along those
lines. I thought it was very funny.

Later we ended up making cookies. I made
A sugar cookie of Brant. Oh I have a picture
of it. It's not very good, yet it is alright.
It's at the top of the page. I had a fun time
making it. Brant had to run off to help
his mom with the Christmas dinner
party, her ward was going to be having.
He ran off and Was done by the time I
was done making my little Ginger Bread man.

I was happy to see Brant again. When we went
inside my house. We ran into My aunt Julia,
and my grandma and Grandpa. It was
very good to see them again. :) I love
my grandparents.

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