Friday, August 14, 2009

Practice Practice Practice

Today was very emotional day for me.
I have been trying to get ready for these tryout for
Lagoon Frightmears Dancing and singing
groups. I sure do miss dancing and singing.
I sang "think of me" Phantom of the Opera
and "Good and Evil" Jeyklle and Hyde.
It's been a crazy day. I haven't sang forever.
I haven't danced in a few years. Its going to be
a challenge to do. I hope that I can do this.
It makes me nervious.

I've been trying different jobs. There is nothing out
there that is even open. It's frustrating!!!
I need a job soon. I hate being at home all the time.
I'm so used to working all the time.

It's been nice getting a few things done at home.
I've been going though boxes that I had since 2004.
I've been collecting obviously. Ever since my
Senior year, I have been moving WAY to much.
It's annoying that I don't know were anything is anymore.
I swear I have lot more then what I have at this moment.
I didn't even know I had so many clothes till i put them all in one room.
I've always had some at moms some at dads, some in storage.
Even some in a suit case and i would go visit mom or
dad all the time with my back up bag.

It's just weird to see how time has changed.
I've been so emotional this week. I think it's because
of all the stress building up in my life. With no
job, and other things.
Nothing that has to do with Kenton, He is my happy pill.
I just Need some time to break down and cry, get it all out and
then I will feel better.

I know I was on the phone with my Aunt Sherrie
and told her I wouldn't be going with her this
weekend to see if I could get a job. I sort of had a good cry
about it on the phone.
I hope sometime I can take a break from this dumb
computer filling out applications, and find a silly job and get back on
my feet. Who ever said that life was going to be easy.
I can't wait to go back to work and someday go to school

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