Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Acne problem...

OK So I've been freaking annoyed about my acne problem
that just seems to be getting worse. I've been struggling
trying to find the right diet, for this dumb Celiac issue.
Come to find out later that the
product that I ate had gluten in it.
I don't think I've seen so many break outs on my face.
It's been getting annoying.
I tried something for a week or two It cleared it up.
Then another break out would happen. I was
getting really frustrated. So I tried a mask and
it broke my face out more. Still struggling with my
diet almost wanting to give up the fight.
I did some research just wondering if Celiac
Disease had anything to do with Acne on my face.
I was reading a form where others come together and
comment a Blog. I was shocked to see that my acne
was clearly from Gluten. I broke out along the mouth and
in other certain areas. If I can't stop this gluten intake.
I will stick with veggies and fruit if I keep running into
gluten. If I this keeps going on it says the break out will
occur on my back. Which I noticed two just the other day.
I'm freaking out.
It's so hard being away from Gluten, Wheat, Rye, Barley,
and milk products. It seems like there is really nothing to
eat at the end. Yet! I'm coming to find a few things to eat.
Kentons been trying to help as much as he can. Doesn't
mean that I don't get frustrated when I see something
else that I used to eat then come to find out that I can't eat it.
I'm getting to the point of being sick of getting sick.
I dealt with a good two weeks of feeling ill and I didn't
know what to do, until I totally cleaned out my body.
It was no fun! I wonder if anyone has any ideas on
what to do? Hopefully I will come up with something.
But trying to clear my face with harmful products did
nothing for me, but bleach my eyebrows that are
slowly coming back to normal, and nothing
really helps. It's kind of helps then gets bad again.
Blah! Help!!!

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