Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lagoon tryouts and Camp grounds

I am so out of practice. I am so falling out of the game.
I tried out for Lagoons Dancing and singing for Halloween.
I am out of practice. I had practiced the dance with the class.
then they put us in groups of 3 people. There were a lot of people
that were trying out. I felt dumb at the end because the 3 groups that
went before me didn't know the dance well. So when they were dancing.
I totally forgot how the dance went. It was very frustrating.
I forgot half of the dance. The two others I went with didn't
Know the dance and was throwing me off. It was very frustrating.

Yet!!! I did an alright job with the singing. I haven't sang for a long time.
Since I got my tonsils out. They were amazed by my voice
so I'm sure that was a bonus for me. I still need more practice
and get my voice stronger and pick up dancing again. I sure
do miss it so so so much.

After my tryouts I went and saw Kenton after I sold the blackberry
curve with T-mobile. It was good to get that off my hands. I
don't really get how to use it, I type a lot slower then
how I text with the pearl. I don't know why? I love my pearl!

Today I went to the camp grounds in Morgan, UT.
with Kenton and we caught up with his family the Wilkinsons
a little after one PM
We were late for the lunch, I had a cold meal. lol!
We ended up making jewlery with the kids, as part of the
activities (arts and crafts) for the kids.
I made a rock necless then helped some of the kids make
one. That was fun! Kenton made me a neckless made of
beads. lol! It was so cute that he participated in the activities.
I then made a key chain that said "Daisia*Loves*Kenton"
It was super cute. I loved it! I believe Kenton has it still on
his dresser, in his room.

We ended up going to his families home for a little bit. Which was
fun! We brought back his little brother Ryan with us.
So he could get the family car that was in Bountiful.
Then he went on a date. it was super cute!

Today was alright, besides me totally messing up the
dance and probably didn't get in. Which is kind of sad.
Oh well!!! I guess I better look forward to next year.

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