Thursday, August 27, 2009

Busy Wednesday!

Hey Everyone! What a crazy day today. I went to work
had so much to do. The girl came back that I have been helping out.
She found out that she has Mono. They don't really know her
condition and how to treat it. I guess I can say that they
don't really know if it is a cronic condition or
not at this point. Which really sucks. She is super cute,
When she is not over stressed with paper work.
At lunch was really weird. I went to go get a Jamba then
went to the smiths grocery store for a bit. This guy comes up
and compliments my shoes then starts going off on a conversation.
I was laughing really hard. Because first he was a smooth talker.
second he used a lot of lines in the pick up book.
Third I was laughing too hard I think I caught him off guard.
He soon asked for my number and I soon asked him.
"whose asking?", He Replied "Me of course!",
I asked "Do you always
go to stores to pick up chicks?" He replied Yes I always
go to stores get some socks and pick up a chick."
He got me there. Yet I told him I would have to deny him asking.
I was still laughing and he said " Are you single?",
I replied "Good question, I am not single. I'm seeing someone".
I'm sure he felt dumb. It's been awhile since
I had a guy that was a smooth talker. To give
me a great laugh.
After work I went to go Help Liz out with a few
things. Then went and caught up with Kenton. Him
and I went to Outback Stakehouse. He was craving
solid meats. Just because he had a good work out.
It was great because they do have a Gluten Free menu.
The Chicken was SUPER GOOD! I didn't realize how
hungry I was till my whole plate was gone. lol!
I went to the gym to work out my legs and
arms. Dumb I know! You don't eat and then work
out. I had no other choice I was starving. The only
thing I had today was just a Jamba and
a few Almonds to hold me over a bit.
After that I was finally able to get some laundry in
and best of all I was able to spend time with Kenton.

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