Sunday, January 30, 2011

28 Weeks 3 Days

This week sure flew by really fast. It's so fun to
see that people have been noticing my baby bump lately.
I normally don't have people notice, I usually tell them
that I'm pregnant...
and they don't believe me when I tell them how far
along I am lol!
I have to document a few things I have noticed.
Our little one kicks more when I first wake up in
the morning. He kicks when I want to go to sleep.
I have also noticed that he kicks when I am cooking
near the stove, When I'm soaking in the tub. He loves
to kick after I have eaten. He kicks more when I eat
spicy food or when Kenton is home and just made me laugh
Really hard.
Our little one responds to me poking my belly. lol! It's
more like a slight movement and then he's back to sleep.

Cravings: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches or just
peanut butter. I have been craving more sweets. Which
I'm trying to not have a lot of... Hmm... I have been wanting
more diet coke. Which is also odd, because I haven't had a lot
of caffeine till I walked into my third trimester. Hence this week
and last week. Ugh! I have wanted more chicken. I have noticed
I've wanted waffles morning, day or night. lol! I've been in love
with my Ensures in the morning with my breakfast. Such a friendly
boost PLUS vitamins. :0)
Kenton went a little camera happy. We are in the middle of transitioning
the guest room to the babies room. So I'm sorry about the sports
theme and floral theme in the room. lol! It's so random! These next
two months were going to playing a lot in the nursery and getting
it more ready. :0) So exciting!!!
I just realized that when I look down I can't see my feet any more.
It's so weird to not being able to see my feet anymore. It is
a good thing I just read on "What to Expect when you're expecting".
I was also reading about babies kicks and how big the baby is.

Can you believe that my baby that is about 16 inches right now.
He is also the size of a Chinese Cabbage and weighs 2 1/4 pounds.
I can't believe that my LONG baby actually fits.
It's now time for baby to start packing on the weight before
he comes out. I just hope our OB knows how to work the 4D
ultrasound by the time we have our next appointment, which is on
Valentines day! Awe... Such a wonderful treat to ourselves. lol!

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