Monday, December 20, 2010

22 Weeks 4 Days! Targeted Ultrasound... Yay!

I have never been such a happy mom seeing such beautiful
pictures of my little bundle of joy. I have been just at awe!
I love seeing his facial features starting to come. I can't wait...
I'm so excited to watch him grow more and more every visit.
It is so fun being pregnant and feeling all the little kicks and
movements he makes. I know he is truly a night owl. That's
when he moves the most. He also lets me know he is still there
during the day. I will get a random movement and
then he is done.

I truly loved this visit. They checked everything
to see if the baby was healthy and growing strong.
Come to find out everything is normal and mommy can
finally sleep and not stress if everything is ok or not.

I love this picture. Our little man is giving the camera a dirty
look in this picture. It makes me laugh so hard.
Just because I don't think he liked the ultrasound
as she was pushing on him. It was almost like he was
sleeping and she woke him up. He wasn't too happy...
He then proved it by kicking me. I think he wanted her
to stop bugging him in his sleep. I know this is odd to say,
but I'm happy my baby already has emotions. Hopefully
he wont be too much of a drama queen like mommy lol!
I LOVE my babies button nose. Kenton said that he
has his button nose. When the lady first pulled
this picture up in 4D I was so excited that he had a button
nose. I think she just giggled. He is growing so much!
What can I say... I'm one happy momma!
I have no idea how he is sleeping like this...? It is so weird to
see his feet all the way up by his head. It was so cute in the video
because he kept grabbing his cute little toes. I love this little man

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