Saturday, December 5, 2009

Temple Time!

Salt Lake Temple! The most wonderful place to be.
Dec. 4th 2009 127 More days till our big wedding day,
when Kenton and I will be sealed for time and all Eternity.
It was fun to go to the temple grounds to feel the peace that
comes when walking onto the grounds. We went with
Jenn, and her new hubby. It was great to with the two
couples. The only thing that was really sad about it.
Jenn's hubby was getting really really tired.
We listened to the lessons and I loved the words.
There were so many people in room. It became really quiet
as the words were spoken. The sad part was we left Early.
Dan was falling asleep and he couldn't stay awake.
This pictue is so BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait
for our big day to the temple. December 5th 2009.
The next day to go see moms Choir concert. They did
Such a wonderful Job.
Mckenzie tried to take a few shots of us here. Yet
It was taken with the Iphone. So not very good quality.

McKenzie and Cute Christy. I thought they were so super
cute together. Yet it was very cold here at the temple
Dan, Mom, Grandma, and Sherrie. I was so happy that Grandma
Came to the temple with us. This day would have been grandma's 57th
anniversary. Mom wanted to make it a special day for her, since
grandpa has been passed for two months now. We went to Sizzler and had
some wonderful good food. Sherrie bought her a beautiful purse.
It was such a great day to be at the temple. :)

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