Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rylex Christmas Dinner party

Rylex Christmas Dinner Party. It was so fun we ended up
Going to Joyluck Restaurant. I wasn't a fan to go, seeing
that I probably wouldn't be able to eat a lot there, Kind
of scary going out to eat when you know you can't eat a lot.
The greatest thing was Kenton got an award He was MAC man! lol!
I guess everyone that Kenton LOVES his Mac computer. His
boss says that he talks about MAC's all the time. Kenton would
disagree. Yet Honey you have an Iphone with the apple on the
back, you got me one as well. The best thing is you have apple
stickers on your car. lol! So I think you just love Apple stuff. :0)
I claim you the Apple Man, not just the MAC man. ha ha ha!

After the awards they ended up giving prizes out. Which we won
a $15.00 Gift certificate to Itunes. It's a great thing, because
We ended up getting Avatar Sound track. Yay! I love that
music. Second off they were drawing out gifts.
Towards the end they had bigger and better gifts to give out.
I thought it was so funny because Kenton was called, He
won a pedicure, to a spa. LOL! I started to laugh because
Next the drew out the 52 inch TV. Then they drew for
The biggest TV, which Jennifer (a co-worker of Kenton's) won.
She was in total shock to get this huge TV. She didn't know what
they would do with it. She was sitting by me and wouldn't move.
Then ran up to the stage, then realized that she couldn't
Pick it up, then went back to her seat.
The look was Priceless!

Honey we should go to the spa sometime soon. ;0)

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