Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Diet Plan!

Ever since I had my stomach scoped my tummy has NOT
been the same. I have packed on weight since then.
So I'm going back to the gym. It never hurts to eat
Healthy and work out at the gym. I think every body needs
to do that. I feel so out of my shell right now.
Who ever wants to do the diet with me is more then
welcome to do so. Just remember to not Over work out.
I would really like to start a challenge and it's for you
to Eat Extra Healthy. Just so you know giving yourself a
sugar treat like M & M's because you lost two pounds
isn't a healthy diet. It just means that you are cheating on yourself.
Don't do that!

If you want to lose weight the best way is remember to eat.
I don't think having a million and one Salads is a healthy diet.
A Healthy diet for example is:
Having a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.
Light snack maybe an Apple.
I like celery and raisins.
Drinking LOTS of water < water is your friend.
Or Green Tea < that is a natural energy and helps you
stay fuller longer.
For lunch have fish or chicken < yummy!

Sometimes it is really hard for people to cut
Sugar items out of the diet completly.
There is a right was and a wrong way of
doing things. If you realize you start putting
Fruits in your diet. You will realize when your body
is lacking Sugar, it will crave the natural sugar
instead of going for that candy bar.

I have also realized that you get more energy
if you cut from all those caffeine product like coca-cola.
It does really nothing for you except give you a
boost of energy then make you feel like crap
the rest of the day. So... Remember to drink
Lots of water.
Some people confuse hunger with thirst.
If your tummy isn't growling you're probably
just thirsty. Try a glass of water and if
you are still having some kind of tummy hunger.
Then Eat. But remember to pick Healthy foods.

When it comes to Exercise. Don't over work yourself
the first time. Make it FUN! Have your I-Pod
or MP3 player. Play while you work out.
Start with a long walk. Then slowly add more and more
to your work out. Before you know it you will be at the
gym for three hours and not even realize it.
lol I'm just kidding! That is just me. I love the gym.
If things get a little hard it's ok. Try, Try, again. You will
get it. As I read No pain no gain. Right?
Just remember to have fun with it.
Take a friend with you, if that is the case.
Maybe they will be good motivators. Ya never know

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