Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Premiere of the Doritos Commercial

Hey everyone, there was a Doritos Commercial last night.
It was so nice because James asked me if I could
drive him there (which was in DRAPER of all places lol).
I was so for it. It was really fun to meet some really great people there.
I feel in love with that little dog Rhome. He was only 7 weeks old.
Yet He loved Trevor Snarr. I enjoyed getting to know so many people.
The night was a little long. I had work earlier and Just wanted to go
to bed. If you wanted to know, being around great people can
really change your mood. You might be still sleepy, I'm sure it
makes you happy. I loved the random pictures from that night.
It was kind of funny because I was standing by trevor and the
Photographer asked how long we had been married for. We both
looked at each other and said "We just Met". It was kind of funny.
I loved every second of it.

I noticed that James totally ran off
till the very end. At that point I kept trying to get him to go. He
Wasn't listening. I needed to go and sleep because I have to get up at
6AM. Sad thing is He didn't listen really until 12 at night. Then I
had to drag him away. I didn't get home till 1am. Not the greatest feeling
when you wake up so early. You're dead the rest of the time.

I do have to add that besides from leaving so Freakin late. I had a great
time getting to know some new people. Thanks for giving me company,
when my host left me. lol!

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