Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tax Returns and birthday dinner

For my birthday Kenton got me a sewing machine. I was so
happy, because now I get to work on projects for the babies room.
This machine is WONDERFUL! We got $100.00 off! Can you believe it?
I sure couldn't. It's a digital. I don't think I could be happier.

Kenton and I got this amazing Kitchen table that I found on This guy bought this table and still have the plastic on
the chair. He said that he bought them and barely used them.
Then he had to move. I assume somewhere out of the state.
He had this in a storage shed. We got it for super cheap.
I love KSL deals. If anyone doesn't want their new stuff. I don't
mind buying it from them for a super GREAT deal. LOL!

It was Nice because we used it for the first time for dinner
with Dad and Ann. It was so nice of Dad to pick it up from
South Jordan and bring it by to our house. It is Ann and
my birthday. We decided to have a birthday dinner.
I made potato boats, deviled eggs, Homemade gluten
free roles (I made by scratch), orange Jello with Mandarin
oranges. Dad and Ann brought Steaks that Kenton grilled up.
Of course he made them medium steaks and not medium rare. lol!
Silly boy!!! I'm not a big person on steaks. So I made myself Tilapia
tacos. :0) They were very yummy!

After we watched Prince of Persia a disney movie. I made
everyone their own personal gluten free upside down
pineapple cake. It was super yummy!!! It was a great night.
Happy Birthday Ann

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