Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Birthday Dinner + Tuesday Bliss!!!

Talk about a great way to ending a birthday. Alysa came up
with a great idea for making me dinner for my birthday. Mom
and Alysa decided to make it a family thing. :0)
Aubrey and her family came. Alysa and her lovely family was
there, so was Kenzie and my step sister Becky and her two boys
came. It was so fun to be at moms with so many others there.

Becky felt bad that she didn't get my Birthday card out in time.
When I didn't even know that her birthday was coming up.
I really need to write all the family's birthday's down. I feel like
I start to catch up and then I get left behind. Oh well!!!

It was a yummy dinner that mom made. She had me pick out
what I wanted to eat. which of course Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes,
Gravy, Hot rolls, Corn, and Jello. :0) Yummy!!! My FAVORITE.
Mom had bought a Ice Cream Cake. Because she wanted to
Celebrate Aubrey, Becky, and My Birthday. Mom started
the candles and had all of us birthday kids blow out the candles
together. Becky had her youngest step in for her.
Here We are blowing out the candles. lol! what a site to see.
We had such a fun time with Family. Love you all. Thanks
for the great birthday dinner. LOVED it.

After Kenton and I went up to see his parents and family.
I was getting so tired. Plus I was SUPER full from dinner at moms,
I really couldn't eat anymore. It was so fun just hanging out
with family. I was really really tired by the end. I was just happy
to crash out at home. Silly baby! He always wears me out.
OK so I went to KID to Kid today and I found this amazing
bouncer, I just COULDN'T RESIST.
This was on our baby registry and I wanted it badly.
I found out that it still worked and was in great condition.
All it needed was a good wash and WA LA! Look it's so pretty!
It was originally $60 at Babies R US,
and I got it for $23 at KID to Kid. Talk about a GREAT
buy! I was so tickled to death over all of it. I called Kenton and
asked if I could get it. Of course he said yes after I told him I
would us my birthday money on it. lol! Our little guy is going
to just love it.
I really have to say I LOVE KID to Kid. It has great deal
on baby clothing. Look this outfit was only $2.99 That's all.
I also got an outfit for $1 and a pair of tan shorts for $1.
Can you get any better then that? Unless it's free... of course LOL!
I have been working on my baby crib bed set. I know it isn't done yet.
I tried the bed skirt to see if I was sewing everything correctly,
and look I was. YAY! It's going to look amazing once it's completely finished.
For all those who didn't know, I did change the Fabric on my bed set.
I did post awhile ago on what my baby bedding was going
to look like with the other material. but trust me. These colors
just shout out FUN!!! Our Little guys room is going to be Lime
green, baby blue, brown, and white. I'm going to LOVE it.
When I completely finish it. I will post better pictures of the bedding.
I know this is a side angle shot. We really need to get the guest
bed into the other bed room. Then I will have more room to
decorate. :0)

This Mommy is very happy!


Tyson, Kaylee and Lucy said...

I have the swing that matches your bouncer and LUcy LOVES IT! She is almost to big for it now but there were days the swing saved my sanity! haha

Daisia said...

Awe you have the swing? Kenton and I want to get that one as well. It is SUPER cute!!! I know how much a life saver those little swings can be. I know this bouncer will last for a little while. It's so Neutral too! You can use that cute little swing of yours for all you babies. :0)