Thursday, November 25, 2010

19 Weeks Pregnant! Happy Thanksgiving

Today I'm 19 weeks pregnant. It's now Thanksgiving :0)
We had such a fun time hanging out with Family today.
I just feel bad that we were running late.
Dinner was supposed to be at 3:30PM we technically
didn't get on the road until then. I was super stressed.
#1 we had to make a gluten free dinner that morning,
then pack it. (not knowing the family was trying to prepare
something on the side for us).
#2 I was trying to get ready and still feeling sick and
was trying to get ready. Ugh! I felt like I had lead in my arms.
#3 We were out of gas and no gas stations were open.
So we used my card. Ugh! I don't like to talk about
financial hardships, but I can say we are totally flat broke until
Kenton gets paid on the 1st. Then it will all go to the house
and again we will have just enough for food and gas. lol!
guess we live just like everyone else. Fun! Fun! Fun!

We ended up making it to Dad's and everyone was quiet in the
room. We all got some food in our belly's and the
conversation picked up. It was good to see.
We had dad open his present from us
for his birthday and it announced
the babies sex. His face lightened up with so much
joy. It was so much fun to see the joy in his face.
He's always wanted his own boy. This was just
nice for him to know we were having a boy.

It was super cute. I was sitting with my niece
Kylie and I decided to show her a video of my baby.
I had my dad come over too to watch the video.
I was explaining what was going on in the video
while it was playing. Once it was over Kylie
turns to me and feels my belly and says "I can't
feel the baby kick". I told her I only feel it right
before I go to bed and she asks "Why?" I really
didn't have an answer for her beside. "The baby
likes to be awake at night and likes to sleep during
the day.". Later she kept coming up and feeling
my belling while she would say "I felt your baby,
I felt it kick". then she would tell me where the head
was and that she could feel it's baby. It was super cute.

I was so happy after we went to the movie "Tangled".
It's a cartoon based on Rapunzel cartoon. It was
super cute. :0) It was such a funny show I wouldn't
mind buying it. I really enjoy those cartoons that are
fun for the kids and the parents. It was so fun to
see my other little nice do a dance right after.
Hearing my families laughter during that show
was priceless... Thanks Aubrey for the great idea.
I know it was your daughter 2nd Birthday,
but you sure made it fun for the whole family.
Thank You again!

I'm so happy to be home and in my bed.
Hopefully I wont be sick again tonight. Crossing
our fingers.

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