Monday, November 8, 2010

Reilly's first trip to the groomer

This was our puppy before he got his Hair cut.
He was one shaggy/Matted dog.
He really needed a hair cut. I told Kenton if
he paid for the shots for the dog. Then I would
pay for the dog to get groomed. Such a smelly little doggy.
When we went in I warned the lady that Reilly
did NOT like brushes and he REALLY didn't like
the razor/ hair clippers. He will freak out to the max.
She said "Don't worry, he's still a puppy. These things just
get getting used too." I told her again. "You really don't
know my dog. He does NOT like them.

Well come to find out when we walked in. She was
struggling with our little pup like no other. It had been
three hours and she was struggling big time with him.
I assume he was trying to bite her, because we found
him like this with a muzzle on his mouth. I just
laughed and was thinking... "that poor girl". lol!
Yet she did say "he's just a pup and he needs to
take time and get used to it". She looked like she wanted to
hand me the dog and say "You have a menace for a dog.
Please take him". lol!

I asked her how he did in the tub. She told me that
he was freaking out. I assumed he would be just
fine in the tub. He always let us bathe him
just fine. I don't think I've ever had a problem
bathing my dog. I wonder if she was using really
cold water. I'm sure any dog would hate cold water.
Poor puppy!
When we left to go walk around the store.
We found that the girl asked for assistance.
I did tell her he REALLY hates to be touched
on his face. He hates it to the extreme. I'm
Thinking she now knows what I was talking
about. The assistant was holding Reilly
While the other girl was cutting. Something
that would have been a five minute job, became
a 30 min. job. Poor girls!
When Reilly was all done. I got him a sweater
and he smelled just like sugar cookies. His
Breath smelled so much better after they brushed
his teeth. I think they should brush his teeth all
the time. That is wonderful! YAY!!! No
doggie breath. :0) Kenton Loves his new doggie
hair cut and also the fact that he wasn't matted anymore.
Plus he smelled so good.
I miss the brown and black on his fur. This is
going to take some getting used to.
He doesn't look like our dog. But he sure
acts like it.

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