Wednesday, September 22, 2010

GREAT NEWS with Jetblue and Passports

JETBLUE!!! I FINALLY got a hold of them. It seems
like they are going to hold my job for one more month
so I can go on this MEXICO TRIP. Thank Goodness!
I will be starting with them on November 16th, instead of
October 12th. I was so happy to hear that we didn't have to cancel
anything and our passports wont go to waste.
I still don't know what is going to come of the job after this baby
of mine finally comes, because it is a call center and it has be Quiet.
Unless I get a baby sitter I don't know how this is possible.
I can finally say "I think I'm ready now" as Britney Spears would
say. lol JK! I just felt like I didn't know what to do, if it
was ok to go on this trip. Maybe that's why I use
a quote from Britney... LoL! I'm not referring to
the actual song. Yet she is wearing blue while
she was a flight attendant for the music video. AWESoME dream job.
Becoming a flight attendant.
I hear they make GREAT money and get to travel a lot.
How would that be? Sounds like an adventure.
Yet it's not in the cards for me.

Kenton and I awhile ago... FINALLY got our passport
information in. Took us long enough. I thought we
were going to have the money. Yet every time we
turned around there was something going on.
We had the money at one point, just to find out once we
got down there that is was an extra $35 extra per Person.
We just didn't have that money at the time. I had
a few things come up that NEEDED to be payed.
Sometimes I feel like we are just barely at float.
sometimes we feel like that in our lives some times.
"Life is but a box of chocolates, you never know what you're
going to get!" Quote by Forest Gump.
The most frustrating thing I think that came up
was extra things/extra expenses from our wonderful roommates.
I felt like it wasn't worth the trouble of having them here.
I need to say... Just because we
have roommates doesn't mean we are rich. Just because
we have a house or a nice car. Doesn't make us RICH. I
believe it makes you poor and little things always come up.
IF we had money... We would be paying off extra debt and
we would be just fine. Yet everyone thinks we are made
out of money. Kind of frustrating sometimes.

When it comes to our passports...
we did finally get everything sorted out in the end
THANK GOODNESS! Thanks to Kenton's Parents
that helped us out. Kenton wrote a post dated
check to them.
To be cashed the day he got paid. I'm glad that we have
that trust with them, that Kenton is trustworthy.
He always does, what he say's he is going to do.
I have never found Kenton to be a liar. He can't lie,
Nor can he keep a secret a surprise. lol! He is too
good for his own good.

I should say...
If I had a job things would be a lot different.
Instead, we
go off of our means. I believe that makes us
responsible adults if you ask me.

I have to tell you a funny story that happened today.
I was out looking around for something to get
for Kenton for his upcoming birthday. I have
been going a little nutty. I know
what I am getting him for Christmas,
Yet I don't know what I'm going to get
him for his birthday. Crystal and I
were out shopping at Sams club! We
didn't get much Yet a DVD. We
haven't bought one in FOREVER.
I feel in Love with Prince of Persia.
We've seen it 3 times already on Redbox.
Because we are cheap like that. lol!

Crystal and I were talking and brain storming.
She was thinking of things for Tyson for Christmas
and I was thinking of things for a birthday.
We decided to go to the mall to get Kenton
some shoes "Adidas", He has been talking about
how he has wanted some NEW shoes. It just
dawned that is what I should get him.
I had been working at Bed Bath and Beyond and
made some extra money on the side. Thank Goodness!
I was just sad to see that it was just a temp job.
Crystal and I walk in and try to find the shoes.
As we are walking to the end of the store. Someone
behind me comes up and pokes my side and gives me a jump.
I look around to find Kenton in the store we were at.

I was wondering... Why are you at the mall? He told
me he had sent me a text saying he was going to meet
me at the mall, when I had told him Crystal and
I were going to the mall. To find ourselves in the same
Store. It was ironic, yet funny all at the same time.

I asked him why he was there. He mentioned "I need new
shoes". He was buying some Adidas, because he
really need them. I was so frustrated that he couldn't
wait for a surprise. I told him why we were in the store.
Just because he was buying the gift I wanted to give him.
He then adds.... "You can buy them for me"
lol NOT! I was so excited that I thought of something
that he really needed. Comes to find out that he
was 20 steps ahead of me this time.
Oh well... Great minds think alike right???

Love you Honey! I will think of a great gift to get
for you, and it will be a great surprise. :0)

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