Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1st Ultrasound

Heart beat was something that I would have never thought
would be a reality. I have always been told by so many doctors
that it just couldn't happen to be prepared for the worse.
That I would have many miscarriages.
BEING BLUNT!... For one they said it was because
of my not so normal periods over the years.
That magically cleared up after a few years. They Never
saw that one coming... The other OB said I had
celiac disease and to prepare for the worse with MANY
miscarriages. Then I had one doc say I had all the sign's of
Endometriosis YET she wasn't going to test to see if I have it,
because I haven't been with my husband for over a year.
KIND of ODD if you ask me. If I ever have a hunch on anything,
plus if you're 95% sure that is what it is... Then do a dang test.
I did mention about a Miscarriage I thought I had had. Yet
she said "I can't confirm that because I wasn't seeing you durning
that month". I couldn't go in because we didn't have
health insurance cards to get in, so I couldn't see a doctor then.
Plus that was just NOT normal for me. When I did the research
it sounded just like what I thought it was. I would never
request anyone to go see her at all.

I'm not going to be shy about what has happened in my life.
I feel like some people just stick with that one doctor
and just "deal" with what they are telling you.
No that isn't the case. If I didn't go out and find a
good doctor. I wouldn't have been diagnosed with
Celiac disease and I would have still been getting sick.
I know things happen for a reason as well... I will
repeat. If you are not getting the help that you NEED
find another doctor. I'm not kidding when I say that.
I would know. I've seen enough doctors to know
If they are just all talk, or if they really know what
they are talking about.

I'm VERY open, especially when it comes to health. I don't fell like
people are open to talking about much and it should be just
a hush, hush situation. I don't think that is the case.
I feel like doctors need to be more professional. People
need to be more open about things going on with their health.
TALK people! I know a lot of us can give advice about which
doctors are good. Or which doctors to stay away from.
I sure hope that our health care doesn't turn into canada's health
plan. I would be so lost. I believe we HAVE to have certain doctors
for different things, or we wont get the help we need. I know
mothers with kids with special disabilities wont get the special
help they need for their child. It just makes me sad.
I do believe...
One way or another Doc's need to know what they are talking about
and just act on it. I know when I found out I had Celiac Disease,
it was because I found one AMAZING Doctor. I told him about
everything that had ever happen to me. I don't think if I did
he wouldn't of had the hunch to do the test in the first place.
Sorry about the venting... It needed to be said.

The OBGYN I am seeing now is AMAZING. He actually knows
what he is talking about. I don't feel like I have to go threw so
many other doctors to get an answer.

OKAY now to the good stuff...
I have to mention that the ultra sound was something
that Kenton and I were both so excited about. I feel like
Kenton was like a Kid at Christmas. Just jumping up and down.
He was so filled with excitement. When the doc finally pulled up
the heart beat I was just at awe... I couldn't believe that there
was one. I was speechless! Kenton was so amused at the screen
he didn't say much. The doctor I think was expecting a huge reaction.
I believe I was just in Shock and the only thing I could say was
"Honey it's our baby's heart beat. Can you see the baby?"
He was still staring at the screen and in all smiles.
It was sure a moment I will never forget.

Below is a picture of our babies first picture.
It's amazing on what they can see in just 7 weeks.
Our baby is in the black circle in the middle. Our little
one is off to the right. Kind of like a little caterpillar
in it's cocoon. We couldn't see much. Yet it was still a shocker!

The doctor told us when we heard the heart beat "I'm sorry
but I have some bad news for you". Kenton and I stopped and I said
"What is that". He replied with "I only hear one heart beat, I'm
sorry no twins for you two". LOL! I was happy to hear that there
wasn't twins on the way. I don't think I could handle twins.
He added that it sounded healthy and everything looked
normal. He started to say that he didn't think I was as far
along as I thought I was. He was thinking 6 Weeks and 6 Days.
Then the baby came out from hiding and he measured again.
I was 7 Weeks and 4 days. I was excited to hear that we
will get to see more detail the next time we come in.
Because the baby's head will have formed and the
baby's bone structure will be in place. I have been
so excited learning what is going on with the little one.
I guess I was reading that if it's a boy it's already getting
testostron Yikes! Seems to young to be getting anything
like that.

After our adventure we went to test drive some "Family Cars"
Time to retire from our little Tiburon. It's been a fun car,
yet I'm not about to stick a car seat in that car. Just to get it in,
We have to go threw the hatch and buckle it in, threw the back.
I am not about to do that. Plus only having two doors seems a chore
enough. I know Kenton and I both want a Mazda 3 Hatchback.
Yet Kenton wants all the bells and whistles lol! He is a funny one.

After we caught up with Crystal and we went to Barbacoa. YUMMY!
It's been forever since i've had mexican food. I love that they had
a gluten free menu and that it was gluten free friendly. It is so hard
to eat anywhere. Especially eating out. Call me crazy, but I hate
it sometimes. It was so good to catch up with Crystal to see how
she is doing. Good to see that she was doing better.
I had missed all of those times we used to hang out and
we would get spicy foods. She would tell me I was a baby.
(Because I was, I couldn't even stand mild sauce). Now
I HAVE to have SPICY foods. If not... it's boring and it
doesn't have a taste. I'm so happy she showed me
to the other side of the spicy world. :0)

Nice thing about my pregnancy is I haven't been sick!
No nausea, No throwing up, No feeling completely ill.
The only thing I get is dizziness because I'm hungry for dinner.
I don't have a huge appetite for breakfast, so I drink an ensure.
Second I only get stomach pains when I want to go to sleep.
Other then that I don't really have much going on. OH but
I do get tired one day and the next I'm fine, then Tired the
next. Somedays I feel like I get Nothing accomplished. Blah!
Good thing I have a great husband that Helps out when he can.
I have been so truly blessed to have him in my life.

HONEY you are my everything. I have been so truly blessed
to have you for my husband.

In this video is our ultrasound of our little bundle of joy.
It was so cool to see it on my moms big screen TV.
You could see the hands swimming. It was AMAZING! I think
we watched this video at least 5 times. I loved watching it so close
to get a better look of the little embryo.

To push play on this video, its a little
tricky for some reason you need to move the mouse around to
find how to push play. I need to have Kenton play with this website
so it will be easier to watch videos. Just keep playing with it,
till you see the play symbol light up red. You usually
don't push play where the buttons are, Just a hint.
Or on some computers it works fine with no issues. Just try hitting the
button, if that doesn't work, try the other way that
I explained.
If it doesn't work or if it works... Let me know! Thanks!

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