Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Hey Everyone! I thought I would update all of you what is
going on with this job. I just got a call today, saying
that my 10 year background check has FINALLY
cleared. She let me know that training starts on
October 12th 2010

I have been filling out paper work since I believe as early
as February. You would think I would be happy that I
finally got the job. Well the only down fall is that
Kenton and I have planned to go to Mexico on
October 31st. Everything is already payed for.
Kenton's parents are also going with us. Seeing that
it was their idea and all. So they have everything payed
for as well on their side.

I would hate to bail out on them. Seeing that
We couldn't go on our honeymoon trip. Kenton
and I couldn't go on our disneyland trip. Due to
Kenton's new job and we couldn't get the time off
for it. So Kenton's parents went on our Honeymoon
trip and got to enjoy the stay, and decided to take over and pay for it.
Kenton and I would have gone, if we actually could
have gotten the time off.

Where the down fall really comes in on Jetblue Job, is
that the training is one whole month.
I can't miss one day during training, or
I could get fired. I can't really cancel our trip either.
Everything has been already planned and payed for. I feel like
I deserve this trip. Seeing that I didn't get a honeymoon trip
at all. I feel a little frustrated and overwhelmed yet again.

I wish something would go right. Maybe this is a SIGN, that I
just haven't been listening too for the past 5 months.
You would think I would have already had the job,
but NO! They have to wait until I'm going to be gone
to MEXICO!!!

People always say that I "give up to easily".
Seeing that I had no other choice when I was SICKER then
a dog durning that time and I had to FORCE myself and just give up.
I lost many job because I felt like I was on my death bed. Now that I'm
feeling 95% better. I don't have a job and I really have any reason
to be home. It just reminds me of my sick days of
of the past being home

I will try to call in a little bit and see if they can "Magically"
Hold the job.(Yet again) I doubt it! They have been nice enough to wait this
long for that dang background check to clear. Yet I doubt
the lady that works at Jetblue will answer her phone.
(She never does). I will probably hear from her 1 1/2 months later.
That tends to be the routine her and I have. I call her right away
and she gets back with me in a month in a half later.

Any Idea's on what I should do??? I can't cancel my Trip.
Nor do I want to get rid of that Job.
Wish that lady would just answer the phone,
so we can talk and figure out a game plan.

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