Saturday, April 10, 2010


Kenton and I were married at the Salt Lake Temple.
On April 10th 2010 at 10:20 AM.
I can't explain the feeling that We had inside those temple
doors. I can tell you that it was AMAZING/ BEAUTIFUL and just
one of the most Memorable moments. I loved being in the bridal
room with my mom and Grandma. I'm so happy that they were
able to share such a wonderful day. It was also very special to have the
family give there love and congrats. I'm so happy that we have
such a supportive family. I feel like this is where I truly belong.

As I went and found Kenton We went and did a special session
inside the temple (I cried) and then we were sealed for time and all
eternity. It was sooo NICE to have family and friends there
in the room. What a special moment. The spirit was so overwhelming.
When we kneeled at the alter. I was filled with so much joy and excitement.
I would look over and see my sister there. All I could do was smile.
Some people were crying and others were just smiling and
it looked like they couldn't stop smiling.

Kenton seemed a little nervous, yet he wasn't. I bet he was twiterpated
and didn't know what to do about it. It was so funny!
the guy had mentioned that he was
going to ask Kenton a few questions and he needed to answer with
a Yes or a No. Kenton after hearing the questions said "I Do, I mean, I will"
The man then said "You say, Yes". Then Kenton quickly said "Yes!".
There was a chuckle in the room. He soon asked me the same
questions. I answered with a yes! AWE! It was so exciting!!!
To finally be in This Moment. The moment you've dreamed of
you're whole childhood life. Then that time finally comes and
you always dreamed of it, but then didn't know how it was going
to be. Until that moment finally happens and it was what
you dreamed of, yet you really didn't know what you were
really dreaming about, because it has never happened before.
So then you didn't know what to expect. Yeah that is how it felt.

Our Witnesses was my father and kenton's father. For some reason I
couldn't stop crying. Actually I know why... lol!
It was a wonderful and special day.
It was such a special day.
I was married in my temple dress. So when I came out I was in
my wedding dress. I was walking down the hall way. Kenton saw
me from a distance and he was looking at me in AWE! He couldn't
talk! It was so funny and cute all at the same time. I loved that he couldn't
keep his eyes off of me.

When we came outside. There was more family and friends
waiting for us out side. It was so great to see them all excited as
we opened up the doors. The greatest this is that I wanted to
give them all hugs and yell "I'm MARRIED!!!"
We went and got our pictures taken. Which I will show you
some fun moments when I get the CD to the pictures from
our photographer.

I couldn't find mom after and I had no idea where she went.
I soon went to the dressing room and shuffled my dress
into the dressing room. I grabbed all of my stuff and
had my hands full. I soon turned around and was shuffling
back out of the lockers and dragging my dress.
The older girls asked if they could help in any way.
They soon asked "Can we help?" I said "No, that is ok.
I will ask my fiance and he will help." As I took three steps
I turned around and said "No wait he is my husband now... that is so
cool. I'm married now, I can now call him my husband." They all
got a giggle out of that. I found Kenton and had him help me out
the door. We soon shuffled to the car as I was trying to turn on my
phone so I could call my mom. I rang and rang her and no answer.
Then rang and tried to call her again, and no answer. After the third time
I called aubs and she said she hadn't seen her. Then we got to bountiful and
I tried again. With no answer. FINALLY when we were in Farmington
Mom FINALLY picks up her phone. She is still waiting in the waiting room.
After all of this time. I Believe it's been 45 min. By this time!
We went and had Carls JR. I shuffled some food in me and was trying
to hurry so we could get other things done that
we needed to for the wedding.
Bishop Packer and his wonderful wife. They were with us every
step of the way. I'm so happy that they have been such a great supporter
in our starting life. I have always enjoyed him as a bishop and
even as a great friend. I love his wife dearly. I hope to keep them
close friends for a very long time.
At the end of a very long day. We all decided to go dancing.
I'm so happy that I took the time to just have some fun!
I lOVE my Family
It looks like I'm not the only one having fun dancing.
Looks like Both Grandpas enjoyed some time with
their grand daughters. It was so nice to see this picture and
LOOK how much fun they are having. Such a special moment.

I will upload more pictures with more stories from the wedding. :0)

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