Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Girls night out!

Alright so I finally talked to Mike and he wanted to give
me a VIP pass to see David Osmond in concert.
I was super excited! He promised VIP tickets,
Yet I guess it really wasn't a "VIP". It was more like Free tickets
to sit in the back row. Jessica and I
didn't really care, we were having fun anyways with
out the silly VIP.
Jessica was all ready for the show.

Mike Krompass on a sound check!
Big Buddha was getting everyone excited for David Osmond
to come out on the stage. Very exciting!
David came out and he totally stole the show. Very good indeed!
I had to go buy his CD! Just because it was that good. You
should all go check him out. He is very talented
Mike Krompass and I... He looks kind of tired in that picture!
Lookin Good
Jessica thought he was totally hot. I believe his name was
Justin something. He was on American Idle. She wanted a picture
with him. Totally fun!
David Osmond and I. David says "Say Facebook". I think
he was hinting something, but I can't figure it out. lol jk!
Jessica and David! Cute!!!
We decided we needed a picture with each other. :0)
He He He! We were getting hyper and needed to go out
and play a little. lol! Mike came back over and talked
with us a little more, and then ran away again.
He wanted to go out to eat with everyone, yet...
we felt a little neglected and decided that it wasn't
fun to just sit around and do nothing till they decided to
finally go out and eat.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Guess who was there to
see the show...

Jeremy Elliott

I was so excited I was like a little girl.
I had to go get a picture with him.
I think I went bright red after this picture.
I couldn't talk to tell him my name. hahahaha!
He was on the movie Charley and played Sam in 2002
He totally made my day!

To end the night my key broke and I couldn't get into
the car. Mike tried to help and couldn't, he soon ran
off with his friends. Which was totally neglect again...
and I soon called Kenton to
come save us, we were all the way in Provo and
had no way of getting this car home.
Kenton soon asked Liz to take him up. She Is so amazing!!!
I LOVE YOU LIZ! Thanks so much for driving Kenton
to Provo, so late!

Jay soon came over and picked us up. Since
we couldn't stay at the Covey Art Center.
He decided that we should do a photo shoot.
That was so much fun! I can't wait till
they are edited. It's going to be good~
I will post them later, when I get them.
I've missed you Jay! You're amazing!!!

Soon Kenton Came, he was tired and needed
to get home, so he could work in the morning.

I thought tonight was such a fun night.
I was happy to finally have a good girls
night out and just play for goodness sakes!
Isn't that what life is all about?

Thanks Jess for a fun time tonight.

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