Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kenton's group office Party

Here they are playing Tug-A-War. Can you see my hubby
in the green? He is amazing! They placed him right in the
front of all the action. Funny thing is most of them were
wearing cleats. lol! Shh! Don't tell. They said the Cleats
didn't really help that much. It did give them support for
their feet lol jk!
Team O.M.G. W.T.F. Which stands for
"OM Guys, Wow They're Furious" This is the
computer support team. They all work together. Only
one of them works in the security office. The second one
from the left.
After they won, they are showing that they are NUMBER ONE!
They looked like they were having so much fun out there.
Besides the rope burns majority of them got on their arms.

After the game we enjoyed visiting with Kenton's co-workers.
They were all congratulating us on me being pregnant. I guess
they all have a bet to see if it's a girl or a boy. Kenton mentioned
that no matter what if its a girl or a boy. I still get free food.
Because as Lisa would say "I'm having the baby, and I have to feed
for two now". They also said if it's twins we get to just keep the money
for the babies. lol! I hope it's not twins. I don't know what I would do
with myself. I feel like women who have twins and can make it
are my hero's.
This is our puppy Reilly. I bought him a cute shirt that says
"All Star" With a star on the back, because he is an all star.
He seems to love his shirt. After I give him a bath and I have
his shirt washed, he is almost excited to have his shirt back on.
He loves it! Reilly has been so good this last little while.
We are still trying to train him, I'm getting used to the fact that
he is still a puppy. I wasn't raised with a puppy. I'm not used to the
biting. Him chewing on anything he can get ahold of.

Good thing about Reilly is that he LOVES baths, just like Kassey.
Silly cat!!! Reilly has learned how to dance on his back legs
while standing. Reilly has also learned how to sit, stay, and come.
The cutest thing about our puppy is when I lay him on his back,
on his bed and place his blanket on top. He is so peaceful.
I love it when he plays on his back and looks so cute.
I love our puppy. Hopefully he will be great with our
baby and not be jealous. He is great with my nieces.
That's a good things right?

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