Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lemon Baby 14 Weeks pregnant

I just read the most funniest thing this morning and
I had to share. I read that My baby is the size of a lemon.
If I hold my fist tight. I can see how big my baby is.
It's always fun to see how big the baby grows in
such a short amount of time. It's neat to see at 7 1/2 weeks
our little baby was the size of a gummy bear when we found
out. Now it's the size of a Lemon. So cute!!! I feel like i've slept
majority of my 1st trimester. I'm so glad I was never really got sick,
Just REALLY tired all the time. It's bad, because I didn't feel
like I accomplished much during that time.
Can you say "Baby hibernation",
that's what I'm going to call it from now on.

I also read today that baby Jeffery is developing the roof
of it's little mouth inside. It's intestines are producing
meconium (it's waste that will make up the baby's first
bowel movement.) Makes me think I should probably go buy
diapers. Then I could check that off my list of things to get. lol!
The baby is sporting a downy coating of hair that keeps it
nice and warm. This makes me think of King Kong or
Mighty Joe young. I have a little monkey in my tummy at the
moment. I'm glad they are not born a hairy little baby. Even
though I have heard of some babies that are born VERY
hairy and they never get rid of it. That is one scary thought.
Lets just pray that doesn't happy to little baby Jeffery.

I'm happy to read that baby fat is going to accumulate
over the next few months. That way the hair will start to
shed off as it starts getting that cute little baby rolls.
I love the cute little baby fat all over the little one.
Kind of makes you want to cuddle with the little baby
and give it plenty of kisses on it's cute little chubby cheeks.
Makes the Grandma's Want to kiss those lovable cheeks as well.

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