Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Baby Jeffery 11 Weeks 5 Days

We went to our see our doctor today to see how our little
one is doing. It was so neat to see how much it has
grown with a months time. It now is 2 1/2 inches :0)
I believe that is the size of a plumb.
It has a head, arms, legs. You can almost see the detail in
this 4D picture. We couldn't tell the babies sex today.
Our little baby Jeffery had it's leg crossed the whole time.
It also was folding it little arms. So peaceful...
Reminds me of a primary song "Reverently Quietly"
Awe... I love our little baby. Hopefully next
month you we will be able to see the babies sex.
I hope little baby Jeffery wont have it's legs crossed
again. :0)

Our next appointment is pushed back a week
On November 9th I will upload another video of our
sweet little baby Jeffery. :0)

If you missed the first video of our little
baby. Scroll down to Sept. 7th 2010
I believe it is call Baby's first ultrasound. :0)
You can't see much, but it's a little tad pool.
It's the size of a gummy bear.

Below this video I will explain what is going on in this
video so you wont be confused on what is going on

The first Part is blank for a little bit. I'm sorry, I was talking to our doctor forever. Be patient it will start. The first part in this video you will see the doctor measuring the baby. After the screen will turn orange, the video is now in 4D. It was really neat. I was so sad to see that our baby had it's little legs crossed and then we couldn't see if it was a boy or a girl. Then you will see our babies back. He wanted to see if the babies back was straight. It was and straight is good. When it goes back to black and white, our dr. was showing us the butt, to see if he could get a better view on the sex. But again no luck. We then get to hear the babies hear beat. It's beating so much faster then before. Then toward the very end we get to see more measurements of our little one. April 21st is still the baby Jeffery's due date. :0)

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