Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Little Quirks!

My sister wrote her little quirks just the other day.

After I had read it, I noticed that I have a lot of the same ones.

ODD! Yet very true. I started to think, what are some of my odd

quirks that I do. I thought it was funny that my sister

mentioned my mom will drink her large chocolate milk

in the morning and at night while she loves her solitare at

hand. I know some of my fathers quirks. My father loves to

watch his games while eating peanuts or some type of nut,

for his snack. My father loves his coke in the morning

and calls it his “Mormon Coffee”.

Here’s my list:

1. I hate when people snap! Doesn’t matter if you
have food or not. It just get’s under my skin.

2. As my sister would say “You’re a Gleek”. If you are

obsessed with the show Glee then you are one too.

3. I just noticed that I’m obsessed with Desperate house

wives. If I can’t watch it for the day. I go a little nutty.

4. I tap my foot to the dotted lines on

the freeway while someone is driving.

5. I pop my toes in my shoes while

standing. If I’m bored out of my mind.

6. I rub my feet together when laying down late at night.

(only if I’m stressed and I have a lot on my mind)

~Guess it is a comfort thing.

7. I have to have a bath before I go to sleep. I have no

idea why I have issues with sleeping a little dirty.

8. I tighten my neck muscles, over and over. At random times!

~Sometimes my hubby catches me and wonders what I'm

doing and thinks I should do that alone and not when he is around. Lol!

As he calls it... Making funny faces.

9. I realize that sometimes I match Kenton to what I’m

wearing not realizing I just color coordinated it until someone comments.

As my sister calls it “Color moods”. Then I think to myself “that is

totally embarrassing”. Or when I go shopping. I notice

I bought the same color for the past month or more.

10. I get in moods at night when I just want to sing Karaoke.

I feel bad for my hubby. I’m married now!!! I don’t know how

he can stand it. I’m used to singing to myself. Lol!

11. I have to fall asleep on my right side. I’ve always done

this ever since I was really little, even before Alysa was born. Lol!

12. I’m in LOVE with Jamba Juice. When I worked at the

health department. I had to have one every day. EXCEPT on Sundays.

13. I have OCD about cleaning such as Clean dishes,

folded blankets. I have to fold my clothing in a certain way when

doing laundry. I have to color coordinate my closet. I have to have

things alphabetized (like my herb jars). It bugs me to have an

unmade bed. (If I’m too sick. I could care less about

the mess. I will get to it when I’m better.)

14. If I’m at the gym. I run for 15 min. Elliptical 15 min. Run

for another 15 min. Weights 15 times in 3 reps. Then run again

for another 15 if I still have energy. Don’t ask why the number 15.

I have no idea. (If I can run longer after 15. I have to stop, when

I could keep going. Unless I’m distracted by a movie in the theater

room. I have been known to go for 30 min. Lol! Very rare.)

15. I can’t stand any object in my face. I have to have “fresh air”.

I also have to have air conditioner on “Moving air”, while in the car.

16. I’ve always cussed if sacred/ surprised. In the past 1 year in a

half it’s been when I'm only extremely stressed

~I'm breaking that habit soon!

17. I have to have my Iphone with me all the times. I seem to

check it. Even when I don’t have any new messages.

18. I can’t go out of the house with out make up or my hair done.

19. I will eat peanut butter only on spoon, not on bread.

20. If I go out of the house I have to have diet Mountain dew

with a little bit of Code Red. If I’m at the gym I have to have a diet

AMP. When I’m at home. Diet Root Beer. Only around lunch time

I’m finally in the mood for Filtered water. I noticed that

I have to have a straw when I have any kind of drink.

21. I’m obsessed with any camera’s, if someone has one I

will pose and say CHEESE!

(I guess you can call me Camera happy).

22. I’m obsessed with Facebook, myspace,

and my email. ~ I need a new hobby

23. I compulsively pick at anything if it is a scab or zit. I can’t

have anything on my skin. Wish I didn’t pick.

I know I have plenty more little embarrassing quirks. I felt like I needed to limit

myself or I knew I would end up writing a whole novel about my little

quirks. Here is my list! What is yours???

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